Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Steps Towards Islam

My Steps Towards Islam
Disclaimer: This convert story has been published on as is, without being edited. It may promote views & ideas not supported by and/or which are not Islamically correct.
I am a born Muslim and all I knew about Muslims is that I am one of "them”.
My father, who is from algeria and muslim, insisted that his kids stayed Muslims and my mom (who's a Christian) totally agreed and told my father that he'd have to teach us because she didn't know anything about Islam. Well I knew that the women covered, that they'd fast in month of Ramadan, that they don't eat pork (I always wondered why though) and I knew they shouldn't drink alcohol or have intercourse before marriage. I was born and raised in Switzerland and since my father wasn’t practising himself at that time we pretty much grew up Chrisitinan and had Christmas, Easter, and just whatever else the western teenagers go through (that's history)... My stepfather used to ask sometimes to choose a religion and that I wouldn't know where I was going after death if I didn't have one. (he is Muslim himself but not practising, Insha'Allah one day) so I did think about it all with dead ends though. I did believe in God and I was sure of the fact that I will have to answer to whatever bad I did in this life, pretty much the day of resurrection I guess. And later on I did pray to God but I usually did that before I went to bed and always fell asleep while doing so that made me feel bad in the morning I thought God is greater than for me to fall asleep on him...

There came a time where I realised that no matter what I did in my life I wasn’t really content, I used to party but that satisfaction lasted until I woke up the other morning I used to go out with friends but eventually my best friend got married and there I was alone again and so on. Nothing lasted longer than the most a few years. So I started looking for something that made me happy that wasn't depending on others and that wouldn't fade no matter how alone I was. My friends used to advice me why not yoga, why not any other classes... to relax the body etc but I was never into yoga and stuff so I thought naww I'll go to a mosque and learn how to pray. My friends said stuff like but you're not going to change and all right? I said no I just want to pray. So I went to this masjid that I found online, it was the first that popped up on Google and the imam's wife thought me the movements and they gave me a little booklet with I think surah Fatiha and the 3 Qul's. I was all happy, learning the prayers everyday and the movements, well I didn't have a clue what she showed me it did'nt make sense at all. Anyway I moved what I thought was right in the beginning I would just say the Takbeer with each move. The first time I prayed for about 25 minutes was so happy.

Anyway I needed an abaya in case I wanted to go to the mosque and went downtown to some Turkish stores but didn't find anything. So I walked around and saw this man dressed in white, I think he had a little beard he stood in a store waiting in line by the cashier and I went ahead and asked him whether he knew where I could get an abaya and he told me about that one store...the next day I went there, it was Ramadan. Around the same time I met this young man online but we didn't really chat until months later he contacted me again saying hey I reverted to Islam (I thought what the heck ! why would somebody do that ! ) and he told me his story and told me about the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and it was all so beautiful I couldn’t' believe that this was Islam ! He was in Bahrain that time. So we continued talking and sms'ing back and forth and I got to know more about Islam. As I said it was beginning Ramadan and I decided to fast (whatever action I took towards Islam I always thought lets see what happens) so I went to this store for my abayya and the owner asked me whether I had a mosque that I'd go to I said yes and as I told him which one he said I should not go there anymore those were ahmadiyyas (which is a sect in Islam) and I thought oh my gosh how am I ever going to understand this religion. So I said well where else should I go? He pointed to one man behind me and said you can go to his wife she’ll teach you everything you need to know. I left my number and said she should call me as soon as possible before I loose my eagerness and interest about Islam. She did call but I thought what if their intention were bad and just told her that all my questions were clear and that I didn’t' need going to her place. Subhan'Allah she called again asking again why I don’t just pass by and I thought well ok... lets see. I felt very comfortable at her place and ended up going to learn about 1-2 times/week. This young man I met online, I actually saw him once for a few hours and he brought me a Quran, a collection of Riadh'us'Saliheen, and some booklets about the Prophet (saw) women in Islam etc. he later told me he wants to get married and I asked him whether he'd want his wife to cover and he said yes so I thought ok break of contact that's not for me. Learning more and more about Islam with my sister in Islam I went to I started thinking how in the world I will ever find aman/future husband. And I thought well I know one ... and he seemed to be really good, practising, I knew he'd be at the mosque for all the prayers and I know he wouldn't spend time with females, strong in his faith etc. so we talked about marriage, he agreed but said he'd want to see my father before that, he'd want his agreement. I thought O GOSH ! But Subhan'Allah today it feels as if Allah has laid the red carpet for me since the day I decided to pray!! To make a long story short, my parents love my husband, so do I and our little son that had just turned two. Today my dad is practising alhamdulillah so do his two little sons (his wife always did).There were many tests as far as friends that didn't want to walk around with when I decided to wear the Hijab (headscarf) or that just didn't call again. At work they realised some changes and asked me whether I'm going through some problems but I assured them that I was a 100% fine. I in the beginning didn’t tell anyone about me praying or anything since this was something I did for myself and I was not ready to face any questions or weird looks. My mom in the beginning used to ask me but you're not going to cover are you? I said no of course not. And today she fully accepts me wearing the Niqab (which I only told her a few weeks ago) I have to say here that I have the best mom! Insha’Allah Allah may give her hidaiyyat !Ameen.

I think it was in Riadh'us'Saliheen where I came across this hadith that ends with: if you go walking towards Allah t'ala, He’ll come running towards you. And I thought ok, let me try that and I literally tested Allah and this hadith by giving something up I used to do and checking what will happen. Subhan'Allah there is no comparisons to the blessings I got showered with, no words to explain what I have today. My friends used to ask why are you doing all this? In the very beginning I didn't really have no answer but later until today I tell them that I'd get up EVERY MORNING and I don't have nothing at all bothering me, no problems whatsoever !! And no matter what happens this can not be taken from me !I think I could go on and on about what else happened that proved me that Allah is true to HIS word and that whatever we're advised to do really works !

Later in time I had to go to a physiotherapist and her and me became very close friends, I was wearing the hijab at that time and she said there was something that attracted her about my way of dressing, anyway she was very curious about Islam, she converted about 3 1/2 years ago.

We had an ijtimah (Islamic gathering) a few weeks back and in one of the bayans the brother said that Allah is not the MOST RICH HE is the ONLY RICH

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