Thursday, April 7, 2011

My own journey to Islam

My own journey to Islam
Disclaimer: This convert story has been published on as is, without being edited. It may promote views & ideas not supported by and/or which are not Islamically correct.
Assalaamu alaikum everyone. Before I tell you my journey to Islam, here's some background information you might like to know.
I'm a 15 year old caucasian male who lives in NW Indiana. I go to a Catholic high school, in which I'm a sophomore. The city I live in (Whiting) is small; about 5,150 people, I'm the only Muslim. And now, the story...

My journey to Islam wasn't like a lot of people's. I didn't meet any Muslims personally, nor did I get to witness such events as sister Jahida. My journey, however, is interesting in its own right.

It started in late 1998, about August. I was about to start high school, and I was, like most people are, quite nervous. I was largely nervous because a priest would be teaching my theology class. I only had a problem because i wasn't very religious. Anyway, our class got to talking about the world's religions in general, and Islam came up. I was chosen to do a report on it, and it was ironic that on that very night I saw a TV Program on Jihad. (Of course, it was all wrong)

So i researched and researched, and I found myself doing extra work; not for a better grade, but because I was greatly interested in it. One day, a group of friends and myself went to downtown Chicago for the day. I thought it would be a good place to find literature on Islam, so I bought a Qur'an. Masha'allah that I did. It's utterly amazing. I read Surah Al-Qadr when i first opened it to a random spot, and though it is short in words, it left a lasting impression on me.

Fall turned into winter, and winter to spring. All this time, I've been wavering if I should take my shahadah. My parents wouldn't take this well, I thought. So that was a big concern of mine. Also, I'd be the only Muslim in the community and school. Was I ready? Was I ready for the struggle and fight ahead of me if I chose Islam? Yes, I was, alhumdulillah. on May 10th, 1999, at the age of 14, I took my shahada.

It's been just over 6 months, subhan'allah, and I can't think of changing a thing. Although it would be nice if I could tell my mother, I'm still trying to figure out how and when, and I pray that I will know soon, insha'allah. My father, with whom I don't live, knows and is very accepting of it. Insha'allah my first Ramadan will be a memorable one, and may the rest of the days of my life.

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