Thursday, April 7, 2011

Khayreyah bint Tom Sawyer

Khayreyah bint Tom Sawyer
Disclaimer: This convert story has been published on as is, without being edited. It may promote views & ideas not supported by and/or which are not Islamically correct.

Peace and Blessings
Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions. 16:97
As a young child I wasn’t really into religion. I didn’t believe that Jesus could be God and be the son of God. It didn’t make any sense to me. So for just about all of my childhood I was non-religious. I believed that there was a God deep down in my heart, I just hadn’t found the Truth yet. But when I was in 10th grade I took a class called Religion and Human Culture. I still wasn’t much in to religion but the culture part caught my eye. Well, I took the class and my teacher said he didn’t know much about other religions (he was Christian) but he would try to get us some basic info. We had a book filled with info from other religions, Islam was one of those religions. I found all of the religions interesting but Islam really stuck in my mind. I ended up not passing the class due to too many absences. So, I retook the class in 11th grade. It was a little different because a different teacher taught it but I still loved it. Islam went even deeper into my heart even though I really didn’t know that at the time. I started going to the school library reading about Islam. But when I got into 12th grade for some reason I stopped researching. Maybe it was the excitement of it being my last year, who knows? But Islam was still there in my heart. After high school was out, that summer I met my husband. We met at a wedding reception that neither of us had planned on going to. I had twisted my ankle that day and he had just got back from New York. But we both went anyway. I saw him and thought he was fine :o) We kept looking at each other off and on. He came over to ask my friend to dance, she declined. He asked me and I declined too... I thought he was interested in my friend. Anyways, he did come back over again and ask me to dance, I accepted. After we danced we sat down and started talking. He asked me what religion I was, I said I didn’t have one but I was interested in Islam and had been studying. He said he was doing the same! From that day on we have been together, over 9 years! I was 18 when we met. Anyways. We ended up moving to Michigan because he got transferred there from his job. It was there in Michigan that we got married and took shahada together, both in the same day. It was overwhelming for me. I knew Islam was right but I wasn’t really ready to accept it yet. I was happy to be married and to be a Muslim, I just wasn’t quite ready to be a Muslim. I took my shahada more for my husband than for myself. I made mistakes, we all do. I just didn’t feel right being a Muslim and having these mistakes hanging over my head. So, finally on August 17th 2001 I decided that I had to retake my shahada, I had to be a Muslim, this time in my heart, mind and soul. So on August 19th, 2001 I retook shahada and let me tell you! The feelings wow! When Magda (the beautiful Sister who took me through shahada) said, ‘Ok, you’re a Muslim now’, I cried! I had never felt so deeply about Islam until then. I had embraced Islam totally and completely and I had never felt so good in my life until that day. That day my whole world changed and I thank Allah so much for giving me the chance to come back to Islam! Through it all He has guided me more than I will ever know. He has given me amazing gifts, my children and step daughter. He has given me a wonderful husband, a wonderful family of Brothers and Sisters masha’allah. I will never be able to thank Him enough for all that He has given to me... I would like to end this with a poem...

Dearest Allah,

I wish to thank You for the life You have given me,

Dearest Allah,

I wish to thank You for giving me the opportunity to see,

Dearest Allah,

I wish to thank You for the family that You’ve given me,

Dearest Allah,

I wish to thank You for setting me free,

Dearest Allah,

I wish to thank You for blessing me with Your presence,

Dearest Allah,

I wish to thank You for helping me to see Your very essence,

Dearest Allah,

I wish to thank You for showing me the Way,

Dearest Allah,

I wish to thank You for all of my days,

Dearest Allah,

I wish to thank You for Your guidance and love,

Dearest Allah,

I wish to meet You and be with You in the Heavens above.

Sura 7 - Al-Araf [The Heights] Verse 52-52:
52. وَلَقَدْ جِئْنَاهُمْ بِكِتَابٍ فَصَّلْنَاهُ عَلَى عِلْمٍ هُدًى وَرَحْمَةً لِقَوْمٍ يُؤْمِنُونَ

Sura 7 - Al-Araf [The Heights] Verse 52-52:
52. For We had certainly sent unto them a Book, based on knowledge, which We explained in detail,- a guide and a mercy to all who believe

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